New Initiatives

With 60% of the global population under 40 years old, we are sitting on the precipice of one of the most transformational times in history. Millennials and Gen Z are digital natives who are on average more educated, more diverse, and more progressive than any generation before. They seek brands that are values-driven and that reflect their own concerns, passions, and beliefs. This has led to an unprecedented boom in mission-based investment opportunities, and among other initiatives, has set the backdrop for our own inaugural Impact Fund.

We have unique competitive advantages in credit: we have tremendous natural deal flow, unique underwriting advantages, value-added capabilities based on our market insights and network, and a partnership mindset. These factors, coupled with a team led by strategy experts, strongly position us for our inaugural Credit Fund.

Local currency is mandated for the vast majority of early-stage consumer growth opportunities in China. Given our extensive global reach, deep category insights, and local penetration on the ground in China, we are uniquely positioned to capitalize on these opportunities.